Friday, November 13, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits Part I

1).  Heh...I like the "break the rules of composition" one.
For real:

1-  A. Looking off camera – have your subject focus their attention on something unseen and outside the field of view of your camera. This can create a feeling of candidness and also create a little intrigue and interest as the viewer of the shot wonders what they are looking at.

2-  18. Experiment with Subject Expressions

In some portraits it is the expression on the face of your subject that makes the image.

Get your subject to experiment with different moods and emotions in your image. Play with extreme emotions...But also try for more sombre or serious shots.

3-  Get Closer
The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close.

I like this one because of the vintage look, and the different colors.  It shows something about the guy's personality - obviously, he likes electric guitars.  A lot.

It stood out to me because it was unique - the rest were of people with cameras (probably taking them in mirrors, or something), or of a close-up picture of themselves.  It's clean and simple, yet...not?

The wind, and the expression.  I get contradicting ideas from the picture, and it intrigues me.

For one, she has a beautiful smile, and the picture really helps it stand out.  I also like how she's looking away from the camera, and in an environment she probably likes a lot (she's on a couch, bed?).

1).  The characteristics of an environmental portrait:  An environmental portrait should show the surroundings of the person, not just the person themselves.  They usually give insight as to what that person likes or what that person is doing, but shouldn't overpower the subject, either.
2).  Casual portraits aren't as formal or (I can't find the right word) eccentric? as environmental portraits are.  While both of them say something about the subject, casual portraits usually (in my opinion) give a little more insight.
3).  I honestly don't know.  I'm really bad at them.  Just keep trying, probably.  Take a million, and find the best one.
4).  I'd probably take the pictures of a member of my family (such as my older sister), or maybe one of my friends (which is less likely).  I'd go somewhere with lots of nature.
The plan for a quality picture?  Take a billion.  There should be a few good ones in there somewhere. But really, I'll try to focus more on what's going on in the background of the picture.  I don't tend to focus on that as much as I probably should.

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