Monday, January 25, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

1- Every yearbook should have the name of the school on it--somewhere.
2- Every yearbook should also have the year on it.
3- The staff of the school.
4- It should acknowledge the people who helped make the yearbook.
5- Club photos
6- Sports photos
7- An index
8- Fine arts sections: Band
10- Orchestra
11- Choir
12- Theatre
13- Art
14- Whatever else is available
15- Pep rallies.
16- Freshmen photos.
17- Sophomore photos.
18- Junior photos.
19- Senior photos.
20- "Most likely to..."
21- Pictures of the campus.
22- The number of people attending/or graduating that year.
23- The school mascot
24- The school colors.
25- School events.

1. What is the title of your book?
& Then Some.
2. What school is it from?
Westlake High School
3.  What "thematic elements" do you see in your book?
"Numbers" is definitely a thematic element in this yearbook.  It has statistics and different numbers of everything from front to back.
4.  How many sections are in your book?
15 sections.
5. What is your favorite spread?
My favorite spread is "& More Art."
6.  Is there an Index in your book?
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?
8.  Is there a table of contents?
9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
I don't know.  But I do know there are 631 seniors.
10. What state is your book from?

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Reviews

1.  Pinpoint Accuracy Magazines
2.  I like the photo itself and the title--because it relates to the photo in a more broad way than most would be able to think of.
3.  Probably could've used a little more color, in reference to the headlines; the white mixed with the background is a little hard to read.
4.  Archery attracted my eyes.  I'm interested in the subject, and the picture made me want to open the magazine and see what they had to say about it.
5.  Yes, there is a bar code.  And yes, it's a nice size.  And yes (again), it's in an appropriate place.
6.  I probably wouldn't pick it up if I took the time to read the headlines--there are some misspelled words and confusion between your/you're.
7.  It was most likely a self-portrait (although I am, personally, very bad at telling the difference).

1.  Young Dreams
2.  I like the picture itself a lot, and the color scheme (which correlates with the picture).
3.  The headlines could've been a little more organized, which would make the magazine, as a whole, even more visually appealing.
4.  The picture is what made me choose this magazine--how the guy's eyes are looking straight into the camera with intensity, rather than a typical "smile to the camera" sort of thing.
5.  Yes, there is a bar code.  It's a tad big, but it still doesn't obscure anything important in the picture or the magazine itself.
6.  I'm not interested in baseball, but I would still probably pick it up just to look inside and skim for something interesting (probably having to do with the headline "behind the eyes of a future baseball player").
7.  It was a portrait--but I can tell because the blog says this person's name is Katrina, and the boy in the picture is probably not Katrina.

1.  Self
2.  The picture is great, and I like the headlines.  They're interesting topics.
3.  The placing of the headlines was sort of scattered.  I can see how it would contribute to the topic of the magazine, though.
4.  The picture (just like every other time, sorry) is what made me choose this magazine.  It's dramatic and different than the others, and it looks very majestic.
5.  Yes, there is a bar code.  And yes, it's a nice size.  And yes, it's in an appropriate place.
6.  I would definitely pick this up, mostly due to the picture.  The picture is extremely appealing to me, despite the lighting being somewhat dark.  The word dramatic keeps coming to mind.  It's really cool.
7.  Judging by the title "Self," it was a self-portrait.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1.  The photo I like the best is "The End," because it's a creative way to interpret the prompt--dead leaves.  The individuality of it appeals to me, because I lack creativity when it comes to these things and it's interesting to see different ways other people used the prompt.

2.  My least favorite is "Pose."  The viewpoint throws the composition of the picture off.

3.  They're really clear and interesting--visually appealing.

4.  They might have done better with paying attention to what was around the subject.

5.  They did the best portraying "The End," for all the reasons in #1.

6.  The prompts are really clear in all of them, so I would have to go with "Pose" again.

Prompt Shoot 1/19




The End

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back

I might be a little in love with this picture because of the dog sitting in the bottom corner.  It doesn't even look real.  And its face is the essence of beauty and perfection - a dog-level model.

I have an extremely hard time believing that this picture is real.  The color, the bolts of lightning, the way the reflection is captured, the mountains, the clouds--almost everything about this picture is my definition of perfection.  It's a dream photo.

The lion looks so majestic, gazing at wherever its eyes are glued to.  He blends in with the grass (which was probably on purpose, on the lion's side of things), but he stands out in a beautiful way.  Also, the lighting, and how the grass frames the lion makes it look gorgeous.

What was the best song of 2015?

The best song of 2015 was Pentatonix's cover of "Lean On."  The very beginning of the song is amazing--and human voices replacing all of the electronics from the original version by Major Lazer is interesting and really freaking beautiful.  The glissade from the singer Mitch, and the bass from Avi, and the general groove of the song are extremely uplifting and make you want to dance to it.

What was the best movie of 2015?

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation was the best movie of 2015.  Half the reason is THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT--a Mission Impossible movie should be like this more often.  It was action-packed, and it was funny, and the acting was great.  The other half of the reason is that I didn't go to the movies much this year and come out really appreciating the movie--this was the only one.

What was the most important news story of the year?

The most important news story of the year was the Same-Sex Marriage Debate.  It's really significant to me, personally, because I was in New York (Manhattan Island) when the news was released that same-sex marriage became legal, and everything went completely crazy.  It was amazing.  Times Square was lit up with the good news.
Also, it's important to me (and a LOT of other people) emotionally.  It was and still is a very big deal, and a huge step forward for the US.

Who was the most important person of 2015?

It's really not my place to choose the best of anything for 2015, because I don't get out there much.  I had never heard of anyone on the list of the eight most important people in the US except Putin and Trump.  I just read about Caitlyn Jenner, though, and she seems very significant.
TIME says her coming out prompted "widespread conversations about gender identity and issues of equality for the LGBT community."  I, personally, think it was brave of her, especially with people all over the place who are openly against everything to do with the LGBTQ+ community.

What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2016?

I Googled this and almost the full first page on Google was Caitlyn Jenner, so she is my answer again, and for all the same reasons.

Annnnnd, MY holiday:

1).  One thing about this Christmas that I'll always remember was how terrible it was.  It was completely different, and nobody was there, and we had our giant meal extremely late, and there was half as much food as usual.  Nobody seems to be willing to put in the effort for a good Christmas anymore--people aren't even showing up.  It was all just extremely depressing.

2).  I didn't really bother to make an resolutions this year, probably mostly because I had an overall terrible break and didn't feel enthusiastic about it.  I can try to procrastinate less, but I make this one every year and I never really succeed.

3).  This is very short-term, but I'm looking forward to the second part of the fifth season of Teen Wolf, and also Supernatural (with season 11) and the Flash (season 2).  Also, I want it to be summer.  Another thing:  THE TRIALS OF APOLLO: THE HIDDEN ORACLE COMES OUT IN MAY, AND I NEED IT TO COME FASTER.  Percy Jackson+Teen Wolf+Harry Potter = Extremely Happy Jaye.