Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Action Photography Preview Assingment

Warm Up:

1.  It's not exactly a typical "sports-categorized" photo.  It's not of someone kicking or throwing a ball, it's of something else--something pretty comical.  The football players are dumping a bucket of water on the coach, while the coach is just standing there with his arms crossed like it's just another day discussing the weather.  The frozen moment is perfect, too--the water, the players, the coach, the crowd.  It's beautiful.

2.  Um, the shutter speed is very high?

3.  It's probably a key moment, and not planned on the photographer's side.  It's a sports shoot, so the shutter speed would already be up very high.  I'm pretty sure this is something football players do to their coaches are captains a lot.  (I also know nothing, so I could be wrong.)

4.  Knowing how to adjust the shutter speed that high and still get good qualities and lighting.  The attention to background details, too--nothing in the background is distracting because either the subject is covering it, it's unobtrusive, or it's against the sky.

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