Monday, March 28, 2016

My First Interview


1).  Which teacher do you find has helped you the most?
My animation teacher, Mr. Nourse.
Follow up question: Why?
Because he's been my teacher for the last three years, and he's kind of motivated me to do better things than the year before.
2).  Do you consider yourself a role model for other students?
Um...yes and no?  It's kind of hard, because sometimes I do good things, and other times I'm just too lazy to do good things.
3).  How does it feel to be Student of the Month?
Fantastic; wonderful; what an achievement.
4).  What keeps you trying to be the best student you can be?
Trying not to piss off my mom, because if I end up with really bad grades, even a B, she gets really mad.
5).  What is your favorite class?
Animation, because I can be really creative and not be held back by criteria.
6).  Do other students compete with you for Student of the Month?
Probably--I mean, I didn't expect to get this, so i guess I pissed off other kids.
7).  What class are you best at?
I guess History has always been my best subject, but I'm really liking aquatic science.
8).  What are you extracurricular activities?
Um...I run a YouTube channel, and I make money off of it.  I enjoy volunteering, I work, and sometimes I go to clubs.
9).  How do your guardians feel about your achievements?
My mom would probably ask, "How do I become student of the year? How do I become better?"
10).  How difficult was it to be chosen?
I feel like regular classes are actually pretty easy, so you don't have to put so much effort into them.  That's probably what made it seem like I'm such a good student.
12).  Do you believe that people should respect you?
No, because I honestly don't want people staring at me.
13).  Have people congratulated you?
No, because I'm having the interview right now, and I just found out.  I only told my mom, and she told me to do better.
14).  How do you feel when people congratulate you?
I'd probably feel awkward, since I'm not used to praise.
15).  How much homework do you have daily?
Math is a daily thing; I have homework every night.  Other classes I have about every other day.
16).  What do you think is your best quality in work?
17).  What is the best part of being chosen for Student of the Month?
Um...that I'm Student of the Month?
19).  Why do you think you were chosen?
I'm gonna go with:  It was an error in the system, and there're probably people that are better qualified for this.
20).  What is your opinion of Bowie High School?
Boy, this school is the best school in the world.  I wish more people could go here.

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