Friday, April 29, 2016

Final Exam Planning Warm-Up

This is all a huge honking "MAYBE."  Seriously.  The party has a huge possibility of being cancelled due to the birthday woman's and her boyfriend's work schedules.  If so, I'll most likely revert to something like my mom cooking a meal.

1.  I'll probably shoot the assignment this weekend; a birthday is happening, and I'll most likely be spending the whole weekend in Waco.

2.  At my aunt Tracy's house; she lives in the country, and there's a lot of space to play sports and there's a tire swing and it's beautiful.

3.  Probably just the weekend--starting from the morning, to traveling there, to blowing out the birthday candles and opening the presents and all the children frolicking in the fields, blah blah blah.  All the way to traveling back home.

4.  Just a camera.

5.  The still images will probably be of opening the presents, some of the videos will be the children running around (which is completely inevitable) and the blowing out of the candles.  More still images will probably be of the road (if we don't end up driving at night) and the scenery on the way there and back.  Will probably be during the still images in the beginning and end, if that's at all possible.

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