Monday, April 25, 2016

Final Exam Preview Assignment

1.  iMovie is a program/application-thing that helps people put videos, still pictures, narration, and other things together into one presentation.  Video clips can be placed anywhere in the presentation.  (This is an unfinished summary to be finished in the very near future.)

2.  I didn't know anything before.

3.  Basically everything--the trimming, the adding of the photos and videos and narration and video effects and yeah pretty much everything.

4.  I'm highly technologically impaired.  My understanding of technology is limited to my phone and the Microsoft Word 2016 on my laptop.  No exaggeration, whatsoever.  So what I'm worried about is being able to understand and navigate iMovie itself without getting so frustrated that I can't function for hours after the attempt at making the assignment.

5.  I'm pretty sure I can get the photos and the videos done quickly, if I can figure out what I'm going to do it on.  That's another thing I'm worried about.

6.  :/

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