Monday, September 21, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers, Part Two

Ansel Easton Adams was born on February 20th, 1902 in San Francisco, California.  When he was four years old, an earthquake knocked him to the ground and broke his nose, leaving him, forevermore, with a somewhat disfigured nose.  He pursued music at a young age (around twelve) by teaching himself how to play the piano.  His intended pursuit as a career had, indeed, been to play the piano, though he eventually gave it up for photography.

      Adams, having grown up around, had a great fondness for nature.  He joined the Sierra Club, which was prudent in his early success as a photographer.  He had taken pictures and they had been published, and he soon realized that he could make a living off of the money he had gotten from them.  His fame rose in the 1930's, and it continued to rise.  He wrote many books, such as The Camera, The Print, The Negative, and many more.  After many years of success in this department, he died in Monterey, California on April 22nd, 1984.


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