Thursday, September 17, 2015

Promt Shoot


Simplicity:  It's just Maria, and the background is far enough away that it doesn't distract from her.

Framing:  The trees (and even that bothersome metal pole) are leading the viewer's eyes to Jadon.


Lines:  The metal on this chair is arranged in appealing diagonal lines, and the angle of the photo is such that the lines look almost like they never end.


(To me, the most memorable thing about Bowie is the giant tree.)
Framing:  This wasn't really an intention, but this guy is being framed by the branches of the giant tree.



This is a merger because Mikayla's head combines with the pole behind her, and it bothers me that her right hand is the only thing that's in front of the giant pole that's to her side.

This is a merger because the people behind Jadon distract from him.  One is directly behind him, and it just..looks bad.

Her face is cut off.  That's all I need to say.

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