Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post-Shoot Reflection

1).  I had trouble trying to think about both the prompts and the rules of photography at the same time. A lot of the pictures I intended for one prompt ended up going into a different one.

2).  The technical aspect I found myself thinking about the most was the focus.  If the focus is off on a picture, the picture ends up being generally bad.  The camera usually focuses by itself, so I didn't have to do anything specifically to do it correctly.  Half-pressing while taking a picture (or before, however you look at it) is pretty much instinct for me, so I usually don't have to think about doing that, but looking at the focus while taking the picture is probably the one thing I focus on most.

3).  If I could do the assignment again, I'd worry a little less about the rules of photography.  Looking back on pictures I've taken before, I realized that I had a lot of them in my head already without knowing the labels for them.  Worrying about the rules of photography at the same time as the prompts was unneeded, added pressure.

4).  I'm not really sure what I would do the same - there were a lot of bad things I did within my fifteen minutes (such as over worrying).  I would search for prompts in the same way, though - studying my surroundings and seeing what reminded me of them.

5).  Done...

6).  The prompt "happy" was a lot of fun.  The other ones, though, I wouldn't want to do again.  "Bowie" is uninteresting, and it's easy to take terrible pictures for that one (such as taking random pictures of anything with the word "Bowie" in it).  "Metal" was hard, yet easy, at the same time.  There is metal everywhere, but most of it is very dull and uninteresting, so it's hard to take a good/interesting picture of it.  "Square" was too simple, and the same as "Bowie."  It's too easy to take a really bad picture of "square."

The "metal" photo was pretty creative, and the blurriness somehow fit the picture.  "Happy" had nice lines, because the railings drew attention to the subject of the photo.  The other two were plain and could've used a change in angle to make the photo more interesting.

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