Friday, September 25, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview

The Story:
Several students gather around a pole, holding hands - a sign of connection, of continuity.  They bow their heads in prayer, for those who believe in it.  The others bow their heads in respect.

Action and Emotion:
The boy is in the middle of administering a noogie to the teacher - who looks amused and completely done at the same time.  The girl is halting her work with the papers in her hands to laugh at them.  The picture generally gives off a sense of amusement and happiness.

Filling the Frame:

The picture is generally very busy, but instead of making the photo look cluttered, it give the photo a personality.  There are the students with their blue bags, handing the food to the homeless.  There are the homeless, holding the buckets out to gratefully accept it.  There are people in the back (homeless, probably), but enough out of focus to add to the photo instead of mess it up.  The very background shows that they're in some sort of lot or street, near trees.


I chose the photo called "Third Time's a Charm."  Two guys are in the middle of a bear hug on a field.  The face of the hugging guys that you can see is smiling widely - pure elation, victory.  The crowd in the background are cheering happily, clapping, yelling.

1).  I picked this photo because I like the mood, and it makes me, somehow, feel the same as them - which is extremely happy.  It's a good photo, too - great focus, great background.

2).  One rule of photography that this photo shows prominently is the Rule of Thirds.  The two guys are in the left-ish side of the frame, leaving room to see the cheering crowd behind them.


1).  I could take a photo like the one I described above at a football or soccer game, where people would hug in elation when they won, or scored.  The second photo on the blog could be taken in a classroom with a particularly fun teacher.

2).  I think an orchestra room would be interesting to take pictures in.  Maybe something fun like art. Mr. Flick's English class, too - he makes his students laugh a lot (at least for my class), which would make a good picture if it's taken well enough.

3).  I'll try to focus a little more on the background and how it's affecting the picture.  I'll also try to focus on the guidelines of photography, to make them more interesting or better in quality.  Also, I'll try and focus on the mood of the photo - I'd like to make someone feel the way I did when I looked at the photo of the guys hugging on the field.

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