Thursday, October 29, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

1).  One of the places I'd really like to go is Lincoln Park in Massachusetts.  There's something chaotically beautiful about the demolished roller coasters.  Photos of ruined things inspire a lot of emotion in the people looking at the photos.


3).  Five places I'd think would be interesting to shoot at are:  haunted houses, coral reefs, underground places (such as the London Underground, or the subways in New York), abandoned stretches of roads, and large, barren fields (although I would never do the last one myself).


5).  I think shooting in the London Underground would be fun because it's a challenge, and it's something kind of different.  The people are interesting, and there are lots of beautiful structures and colors there.  They could be of pretty much anything - the people, the architecture, the trains.

6).  Getting to the London Underground to shoot would be difficult for a lot of reasons.  First and foremost, it's super expensive getting from Texas to London, I'm assuming.  Second, you'd have to go through a lot of work to get into a different country in the first place.  Third, I'm pretty sure you have to have a permit to professionally take pictures in the London Underground.  Also, I generally don't trust airplanes and complicated equipment or fragile instruments (such as a camera or a viola).

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