Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Post

1- Balance
2- The subject is the girl with the red sweatshirt, specifically her face.
3- The subject is moderately clear, but the girl to her left is kind of distracting.
4- I could've been a little more conscious of the person to her left, whose head and hand kind of distracts from the focus of the picture.

1- Rule of Thirds
2- The subject is him.
3- The girl in the back (or her water bottle) could be a little distracting, but it's okay.
4- I probably could have changed to angle a bit so the green water bottle isn't directly above his hand.

1- Lines
2- The subject is the line of four students, all working.
3- Yes.  The four students take up the whole frame, save for the top left-ish.

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